BioMeld Workshop at Living Machines 2023

BioMeld will host its first workshop at Living Machines 2023, the 12th International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, which will take place from 10-13 July 2023 in Genoa, Italy.

The Workshop Biohybrid actuators and enabling technologies: step-by-step towards futuristic machines will be held on July 10th.

The Living Machines conference focuses on the intersection of biology and engineering, specifically on developing new technologies inspired by or based on biological systems. Biohybrid actuators are an excellent example of this type of technology, and this conference will be an ideal opportunity for presenting the latest research and discussing the potential applications of these devices and the technologies that are growing around them to enable their future use.

The development of biohybrid actuators is driven by the desire to develop new types of machines to overcome the intrinsic limitations of currently available actuation technologies. However, further efforts are required in order to ensure the real application of biohybrid actuators in specific technological scenarios.

The Workshop aims to provide an overview of various applications of biohybrid actuators. It will highlight recent trends and research that can be used to enhance their development and promote their widespread use. Some key areas of focus will include: 

  • the use of artificial intelligence algorithms and simulative environments to optimize actuator configuration and performance; 
  • searching for alternative materials or actuator designs; advanced in vitro tissue engineering modalities; 
  • unconventional ways of stimulating cells; and 
  • ways to keep them alive and functional over a long period.


These opportunities and issues will be discussed during the Workshop, with ten talks touching on different aspects and covering different possible approaches to be pursued in this field. Finally, a round table will wrap up the key messages that emerged in the Workshop and foster direct interaction between the speakers and the audience, to further discuss the most intriguing aspects of this research field.

The BioMeld Workshop is organized by Leonardo Ricotti and Lorenzo Vannozzi from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.

Here you can find further information on the Workshop and its agenda.
