BioMeld Workshop at Living Machines 2023, Genoa

BioMeld Workshop at Living Machines 2023 BioMeld will host its first workshop at Living Machines 2023, the 12th International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, which will take place from 10-13 July 2023 in Genoa, Italy. The Workshop Biohybrid actuators and enabling technologies: step-by-step towards futuristic machines will be held on July 10th. The Living Machines conference focuses […]
Empowering Female Entrepreneurship Summit

Empowering Female Entrepreneurship Summit The Summit, which took place on 8-9 March 2023, was a dynamic and inspiring event that brought together women from across the business and entrepreneurial landscape. The summit was co-organized by EU Female Founders with the support of the European Commission, who initiated the network. The Summit focused on funding, networking, […]
Integration tests at IBEC

Integration tests at IBEC In February, Dr Stefano Lai from UniCA joined the Smart Nano-Biosensor Lab lead by Dr Samuel Sanchèz at IBEC for an intense week of integration tests of biohybrid actuators and flexible sensing platform. It was a great occasion for retrieving important information for the development of the BioMeld Bio-Hybrid Machine, such […]
Kick-off meeting

Kick-off meeting. The kick-off meeting for project BioMeld was held online via Skype on 18th of October, 2022. All partners attended the meeting, bringing together researchers and experts from Serbia, Italy, Spain, Belgium, and the UK. At the start of the meeting, BioMeld project officer Loran Oliver presented the Horizon Europe programme, which funds the […]